
I live in Chicago with my lovely boyfriend and our two cats (who are also lovely).

As a new homeowner, I’m suddenly obsessed with decor. What I can’t DIY gets added to a wishlist (or Pinterest).

My relationships with the people I love – particularly my boyfriend, my sister, and my parents – are kind of a big deal around here.

Then there’s my body image. It’s kind of abysmal. Awareness is half the battle though, right?

I also love exploring myself. No, not like that.

  1. can’t wait to follow and respond

  2. I am looking forward to seeing how you do and what steps you’ve had to take to make your journey.

  3. I’ve just read through your whole blog. First, welcome to blogging! You have the start to a fantastic blog! I am excited to follow you and watch your progress. 🙂

    I too started 1/2010 on a journey to happiness, one gratitude at a time. It’s been wonderfully fun to blog about it.

  4. oh, i’m almost 30 as well…. and guess what? i’m also bitter!

    so nice to meet you 😉

  5. Looking forward to reading your blog! 🙂

  1. Pingback: A Broader Focus « Bye Bye, Bitters

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